So Brinton has had some of the best primary teachers ever!! Last year Sister Smitheram and this year Brother & Sister Skinner. A couple of Sundays ago his lesson was on the Holy Ghost and he told us about it. On Monday, I was kind of grouchy, cause of kids being sick and being up all night with Talmadge so I was tired and snappy. Anyway I was mad at Brinton and kind of yelled at him and this is how our conversation went:
Brinton: "Mom if you don't quit yelling at me and quit being mad at me the Holy Ghost is going to leave and never come back. He does not be in places that are loud and he does not be with people who are angry at children."
I laugh and then say:
Mommy: "I am so sorry."
Brinton: "Mommy who else do you need to tell sorry too?"
Mommy: "I am so sorry Tally."
Brinton: "Mommy, NO, who else do you need to tell sorry too?"
Mommy: "I will call daddy and tell him sorry."
Brinton is getting so mad at me at this point ~ he is scowling and has his hands on his hips.
Brinton: "Mommy you need to go into your room, get on your knees and tell Heavenly Father that you are sorry for being mean to His children."
Mommy: "You are right Brinton, I will do that."
Brinton process to wait until I go into my bedroom and say a prayer and say I am sorry. I came out.
Brinton: "Now doesn't that make you feel so much better?"
Mommy: "Yes, I do feel better, thank you Brinton for telling to do a good thing."
Brinton: "Your welcome, I learned that at church and I read about it in my scriptures."
He then went on to quote "his scriptures"
Brinton: "thou shalt be nice to thy children and if you are not nice them thou shalt pray to Heavenly Father and say you are so sorry."
Mommy: Laughing pretty hard - "where does it say that in your sciptures."
So he went and got his little red scriptures and just opened them.
Brinton: "Somewhere in here it says it mom, boy do you need to read your sciptures too?"
Nothing like a 4 year old handing down a little humility. I think of this and I still laugh and it has been almost two weeks ago.........out of the mouths of four year old. I just love him so much!