Matt1. I am the happiest person, since I have the best family.
2. I love my wife more and more each day, she is the most beautufil woman I know!!
3. My boys are just miniture versions of me, so may they turn out better than me.
4. I live in a small town (2 stop lights) and I am happy to be live here.
5. I own my own buinsess, which despite my complaints, is a great thing.
6. I am grateful for experiences which teach me new things.
7. I am an avid golfer, to which my wife will attest.
8. I spend 2 sunday's a year glued to the TV, Master's sunday and US Open Sunday, no exceptions!!!
9.I hate the snow, especially driving in or on the snow!!!
10. My faith is important to me, it gives me guideance, direction and peace.
11. I am a gun owner which I never thought I would become.
12. The best sound in the world is my boys laughter.
13. I no longer play basketball, which is a drastic change from my younger years. I am retired, and no comebacks are in my future.
14. I own a blackberry, now I wonder how I survived without one.
15. I am husband, father and chiropractor in that order
16. My wife is smarter than me in many areas.
17.I read for relaxation
18. I still act like a kid!!
19. My success in life comes from within, not without
20. I drink more coca cola products than I should, but I also drink more water than I ever have.
21. RocknRoll from the 80's is the best music to listen to.
22. I no longer follow Micheal Jordan or NBA basketball with any passion.
23. I am a True Blue Tar Heel fan, and as such will always hate Duke!!!
24. My nephews believe I am a Master Jedi with a Real Lightsaber, I am not going to tell them otherwise.
25. I have the best friends, my best friend is my wife, who loves me, inspite of my shortcomings.
EMILY1. Think that the hardest job I have ever had is being a Mom. And I feel so extremely blessed to be able to stay home and just be mommy!!
2. I am a Pepsi addict and not very proud of it!
3. I have worn out a VHS tape of my favorite movie GREASE - thank goodness for DVDs.
4. I love Matt more each passing year - so glad I have eternity to be with him!!
5. I love cats, except Persians - Calicos are my favorite.
6. My favorite of all places so far in my life is my grandparents cabin in Island Park - love love love love love love it there!
7. If I could get away with NOT wearing shoes EVERYWHERE I would - but it does make for some rough feet - sorry Matt.
8. I simply love holding Matt's hand as we fall asleep at night.
9. Music is a huge part of my life - I always have music playing.
10. I have a tattoo - it's my eye liner and I would do it again!!
11. I have a soft spot in my heart for boys with Blue Eyes and Blonde Hair - good thing I am surrounded by them at my house.
12. I know there is nothing more angelic than a sleeping baby or child. And I so enjoy when they are asleep!!
13. In high school, I said I would own a Mercedes some day, but I traded it in for a Mini-Van!!! My mini-van ROCKS!!
14. Mexican food is my favorite and could eat it everyday and not get sick of it!
15. The BEST therapy is a girls weekends. I have only been on one with my sister and sister-in-law 2 years ago - but I have not had that much fun and laughed so hard all day and late into night in years.
16. I love the smell of a potato cellar, sagebrush after it rains and fresh cut grass - yummy!
17. Can't wait to get my yard going - I love yard work and gardening. Nothing better than working in the earth's dirt and having dirty fingernails but then seeing things grow - it just makes me bubble inside with excitement.
18. Would move back to Atlanta Georgia in two seconds if I could.
19. I am addicted to the Real House Wives of Orange County, Atlanta & New York - yes all three!!!
20. I love to read and will re-read each page until I can imagine every detail written.
21. I HAVE to have a clean, organized house and if I do I am so much happier!!
22. I say "like", "does that make sense" and "do you know what I mean" way too much and it drives me crazy. Matt says "man" & "dude" way too much and it drives me crazier, especially "dude"!
23. Would love to solve a crossword puzzle completely before I give up on it.
24. I am amazed at Brinton's knowledge of Star Wars and Scripture Scouts. I learn alot from my 4-year old and love his imagination and his verbage!! It makes me so happy when Talmadge learns new things like sitting up or clapping his hand. My boys can make me smile ANYTIME!! Oh I love my boys - all three of them!
25. I learned what the true meaning of JOY was when I had Brinton and learned that the love in my heart grew more as did my JOY when Talmadge was born. I love my boys!
BRINTON1. Loves Star Wars – everything about Star Wars. His favorite Star Wars is a white Storm Trooper he call Army guy that carries a black gun. He freaks out if he can’t find the black gun.
2. He loves the story Peter Rabbit – but no one and read it quite like Grandma Cece.
3. We often find him cuddled up in bed in the middle of the afternoon – cause he loves his Star Wars sheets and the new “Magic” quilt that Grandma Cece made him.
4. He is jump class and is quite good at the bridge (backbend) and he really does an amazing cartwheel.
5. His favorite person or “best friend” is Grandpa Boo and he lets you know that especially when he is mad at you.
6. Love the bath – he would play in the tub for hours if we would let him.
7. He loves pasta and would eat it for every meal.
8. He jumps around so much he makes us tired.
9. He is very, very loud. All his friends that come over will tell me he is so loud.
10. Loves Scripture Scouts and can sing a lot of the songs on command.
11. He loves the story of Ammon – because Ammon cuts off the thieves’ arms.
12. He has “lello” a yellow blanket he has had since he was a baby that he loves and we can’t go anywhere without it. Matter of fact we bought a total of 3 and he has one made into a cape and one he calls hard lello and one he calls soft lello and soft lello wins out every time.
13. Loves stuffed animals – Leo is his favorite.
14. Thinks he is big enough to have caffeine free Pepsi – boy what have I created.
15. He has really bad gas, all the time.
16. His nickname is Brinton Andrew Stevens – and his other nickname is Brinton – but Grandma calls him Rowdy and mommy calls him Nuggy. Those are not nicknames those are his names according to him.
17. Is a very good big brother to Talmadge. Tal gets the first hug and kiss in the morning and before bed.
18. He loves to color and paint and is quite abstract in his ways his pictures turn out.
19. He has a very small hemangioma on the right side of his forehead. He has had it since he was born our first pediatrician said it would be gone by the time he was two – it wasn’t but it is very small now. We call it an angel kiss.
20. He sings a lot when he is on the toilet or he has funny little conversations with himself.
21. He is so funny – I could write down something he does or says everyday.
22. He does not do well with lots of people.
23. He is very coordinated and will be great at sports – we worry about him being coachable though!
24. He loves loves loves TV and movies.
25. Named after Matt (Matthew Brinton Stevens) and Matt’s grandfather “Talmage Brinton Burbidge” hence Brinton. Also named after Andrew Stevens, a great great great grandfather on the Steven’s side – who gave his 5 gold coins to the church when they arrived in SLC – it was all he had. Loved the story of this man and so I knew we would name a son after him – hence Andrew for Brinton Andrew Stevens.
TALMADGE1. Named after Matt’s grandfather “Talmage Brinton Burbidge” and Emily’s dad Blair. Hence Talmadge Blair Stevens.
2. Talmadge recognized Grandpa Talmage - I showed him a picture and he squealed and flapped his arms and got all excited. Just like he knew who it was and if he could talk he would have told us all about him. So cute.
3. Scratches his head all the time and usually scratched until he leaves marks or bleeds.
4. Can sit up.
5. Hardly every cries.
6. Loves to chew on everything.
7. Has 2 teeth on the bottom.
8. Loves to eat anything – especially what we are eating – he would much rather have our meal than his baby food.
9. Can drink from a cup without spilling it all down the front of him.
10. Sleeps with a blanket over his face.
11. Hates to be on his tummy – so he can’t roll over yet.
12. Can clap his hands and if you give him your pinky fingers he will clap your hands together.
13. Can I just say he smiles all the time – and has such a cute smile!
14. Will put a blanket over his face and then he kind of giggles under the blanket – this is how he tells you he want to play peek-a-boo. If you say where’s Talmadge he will pull the blanket off his head and smile and then back over his face it goes – too cute.
15. Loves the tub and with kick so hard you get wet – he is now sitting up in the tub and will splash his hands in the water and it does everywhere and he loves it.
16. If he sees a soda with a straw he goes crazy – his eyes get great big and he gets to excited – we don’t give him soda, but he would love it if we did.
17. He is good kissin’ – he will pull your face so hard and just lick your cheek until you are a slobbery mess – but those are your kisses. He did it to Grandma Cece once over and over and over again – like he just couldn’t kiss her enough.
18. He is only 7 months – but is in 18 month clothing – can you say BIG BOY!
19. Again can I just mention his smile - when he smiles he smiles from head to toe.
20. We call him Tally - even if people give us crap about it. Not everyone knows what Tally Wacker is?!? Right?
21. He thinks Brinton is so funny – belly laughs at everything Brinton does.
22. Doesn’t like shoes on his feet at all – we can get him to not fuss with an old pair of Brinton’s shoes that Brinton wore when we was over a year old. Little Robee Boots.
23. Can tear a piece of paper up or destroy a magazine or newspaper in a matter of seconds.
24. Did I say that he is the happiest baby and is constant SMILES!
25. Is the sweetest, quietest, loving, happy, smiling baby ever!